Serrated Stainless Folder
Gibson? Cribson? Gribson? We may never know..
Blade is 2 3/8”. 1 1/8” straight edge, 1 1/8” serrated. 3 3/8” closed.
Gibson? Cribson? Gribson? We may never know..
Blade is 2 3/8”. 1 1/8” straight edge, 1 1/8” serrated. 3 3/8” closed.
Gibson? Cribson? Gribson? We may never know..
Blade is 2 3/8”. 1 1/8” straight edge, 1 1/8” serrated. 3 3/8” closed.
I do not want any issues from corporations or governments redefining what a weapon is. This is Not a weapon, by definition! But I will require age verification and a waiver to ship this, as well as checking to make sure it does not violate any state or international laws. All purchases are liable to be refunded if I am not comfortable with any transaction.